Wonder Festival 2015[Winter] memorial item
頒布価格¥6,481 (※別途消費税を頂戴いたします。)
・Project1/6 楽天市場店
・Project1/6 Yahoo!ショッピングストア店
Jinan(Periodontal Edition)
Retail price: 6,481 Yen (tax excluded)
NOTE: These are limited edition items so we will stop selling when we run out of stocks.
・Project1/6 Rakuten Ichiba Store
・Project1/6 Yahoo!Shopping Store
頒布価格¥6,481 (※別途消費税を頂戴いたします。)
・Project1/6 楽天市場店
・Project1/6 Yahoo!ショッピングストア店
Jinrui(steel‐frame Ver.)
Retail price: 6,481 Yen (tax excluded)
NOTE: These are limited edition items so we will stop selling when we run out of stocks.
・Project1/6 Rakuten Ichiba Store
・Project1/6 Yahoo!Shopping Store
頒布価格¥6,481 (※別途消費税を頂戴いたします。)
・Project1/6 楽天市場店
・Project1/6 Yahoo!ショッピングストア店
Toromi-Kun(Third Edition)
Retail price: 6,481 Yen (tax excluded)
NOTE: These are limited edition items so we will stop selling when we run out of stocks.
・Project1/6 Rakuten Ichiba Store
・Project1/6 Yahoo!Shopping Store